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TOPIC: amoxil generics harga

amoxil generics harga 5 years 6 months ago #70715

  • HetorViappy
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amoxil generics harga

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This medication diminishes effect of certain contraception drugs. Continue to take this drug even if you feel fine as life circle of bacteria has certain peculiarities. If you stopped to take the drug having not completed the course of treatment it may result in their further propagation and producing of strains resistant to this medication. Do not give this drug to the sick who have similar symptoms as their illness maybe provoked by other type of microorganisms. Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, inform your doctor if you have it. If you breastfeed and take Amoxicillin, the medication may excrete in milk and cause diarrhea in your baby. Warn your doctor if you suffer from asthma.
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